Tuesday, April 19, 2011

May 1990: Principles of Emerging Literacy

Question: How do children naturally develop literacy?

. “Children’s knowledge of the world and of their language determines the nature and quality of the meanings they construct when they read and write.”
Comment: First there is experience and that experience determines the quality of their reading and writing. Help children to get the most out of their experience. RayS.

. “To a large extent, beginning reading and writing start naturally through exposure to print in the environment.”
Comment: Help young children to notice and read print in their environment. RayS.

. “Children as well as adults have need for reading and writing in their lives.”
Comment: Adults need to model for their children the purposes of reading and writing. RayS.

. “Exposure to a variety of literature builds a sense of the structure of written text.
Comment: …which carries over to their writing. When I asked a number of different people for whom writing was important in their lives and professions how they learned to write, they were almost unanimous that they did not learn to write in school, but they were never without a book. RayS.

Title: “Linking Theory and Practice: Resources for an Emergent Literacy Curriculum.” Dorothy Strickland and Lesley Mandel Morrow. Reading Teacher (May 1990), 690-691.

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